A Student's Guide to 
Patch-Clamp Electrophysiology
Ratiometric Linescan Analysis with ImageJ and Excel
How to calculate ΔF/F from ratiometric linescans using ImageJ and Excel

This page describes how to analyze fluorescence intensity (ΔF/F₀) from a ratiometric linescan using ImageJ (Fiji) and Excel. While semi-automated custom tools are often used to facilitate rapid analysis of fluorescence data, there is great value in understanding how to realize these analyses using standard and commonly-available software.

Measure Fluorescence with ImageJ

💡 The amount of black space captured by the ROI only slightly affects the resulting ΔF/F because fluorescence intensity in each channel is summed before taking the ratio. Note that mean ROI intensity is just the sum divided by a fixed area. Summing fluorescence from extra blank space does not affect the result beyond contributions from noise and basal fluorescence.

Calculate Ratiometric ΔF/F with Excel

Two-channel fluorescence experiments report ΔF/F as the change in one fluorophore relative to another. In this example we will use G to represent a calcium-sensitive fluorophore and report the change in its fluorescence relative to a calcium-insensitive fluorophore R. In this example G/R is measured for each ROI in every time point. The following steps are performed for each ROI.

In this case F represents G/R so ΔF/F is: [Δ(G/R)]/(G/R)₀

Sample Data

This excel file: linescan.xlsx

Images analyzed:

Green Red
